what is best orifice plate

A tool used to gauge the flow rate of a fluid in a pipe is an orifice plate. It’s a thin plate with a hole in it that’s often installed in a pipe perpendicular to the flow direction. 

When the fluid flows through the orifice, it creates a pressure drop across the plate. This pressure drop can be measured and used to calculate the flow rate of the fluid.

what is orifice plate

Orifice plate working principle 

The working principle of an orifice plate is based on the Bernoulli equation. The Bernoulli equation states that the total energy of a fluid remains constant as it flows through a pipe.

This energy can be divided into three components: pressure energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy. When the fluid flows through the orifice, the pressure energy decreases as the fluid velocity increases.

This is because the fluid has to accelerate to pass through the hole in the plate. The decrease in pressure energy can be measured by the difference in pressure between the upstream and downstream sides of the plate.

Types of orifice plate

These plates are the most commonly used primary elements for flow measurement in pipelines because they work on the idea of measuring the differential pressure formed when an obstruction is placed in the fluid flow owing to an increase in fluid velocity.

The fluid flow rate can be determined using the following formula:

Q = Cd * K * sqrt(2 * g * (P1 – P2)) / (D * L)


Q = flow rate (m3/s)

Cd = discharge coefficient

K = orifice coefficient

g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)

P1 = upstream pressure (Pa)

P2 = downstream pressure (Pa)

D = orifice diameter (m)

L = orifice length (m)

The discharge coefficient (Cd) and orifice coefficient (K) are empirical constants that depend on the geometry of the orifice plate and the fluid properties. The values of these constants can be found in reference tables.

Types of orifice plate

There are two main types of orifice plates:

  1. Concentric orifice plates
  2. Eccentric orifice plates

Concentric orifice plates have the hole centered in the plate, while eccentric  plates have the hole offset from the center. Eccentric orifice plates are more sensitive to changes in flow rate than concentric  plates, but they are also more prone to blockages.

These  plates are employed in a wide range of applications and operating environments. They provide an acceptable amount of uncertainty at the lowest possible cost and over a long period of time without the need for routine maintenance.

For flow measurement, square edge concentric orifice plates are most commonly utilized. Features include a basic structure, great precision, and ease of installation and replacement. The orifice plates are completed to the applicable standard’s dimensions, surface roughness, and flatness.

When the Reynold number ranges from 104 to 107, these plates are recommended for clean fluid, gas, and steam flow.

These plates are a simple and reliable way to measure the flow rate of fluids in pipes. They are widely used in a variety of industries, including water treatment, power generation, and chemical processing.

Advantages of orifice plates

  • These plates are used in numerous applications and operating situations.
  • They are easy to maintain and calibrate.
  • They are accurate over a wide range of flow rates.

Disadvantages of orifice plates

  • They can be sensitive to changes in the fluid properties.
  • They can be prone to blockages.
  • They can create a pressure drop in the pipe, which can affect the flow rate of other downstream devices.

Restricted orifice Plates

A restriction orifice plate, also known as an RO, is a device used to control the flow rate of fluids in pipes. It is a thin plate with a hole in it that is often positioned in the pipe perpendicular to the direction of flow.

When the fluid flows through the orifice, it creates a pressure drop across the plate. This pressure drop can be used to control the flow rate of the fluid.

Restriction orifice plates applications

Flow control: These restriction plates can be used to control the flow rate of fluids in pipes. This can be useful in applications where a certain flow rate is required, such as chemical processing plants or water treatment facilities.

Pressure reduction: These restriction plates can be used to reduce the pressure of fluids in pipes. This can be useful for applications where it is necessary to reduce the pressure of fluids before they enter other devices, such as pressure regulators or valves.

Flow measurement:  These restriction plates can be used to measure the flow rate of fluids in pipes. This can be done by measuring the pressure drop across the orifice plate and using a calibration curve to calculate the flow rate.

Restriction orifice plates are a simple and reliable way to control the flow rate of fluids in pipes. They are affordable to buy and install, and they are simple to maintain.

Advantages of using restriction orifice plates

  • They are inexpensive to purchase and install, and they are simple to maintain.
  • They are easy to maintain.
  • They are accurate over a wide range of flow rates.

Disadvantages of using restriction orifice plates

  • They can be sensitive to changes in the fluid properties.
  • They can be prone to blockages.
  • They can create a pressure drop in the pipe, which can affect the flow rate of other downstream devices.

Overall, These restriction  plates are a versatile and reliable way to control the flow rate of fluids in pipes. They are a good choice for applications where accuracy and cost are important considerations.

how to calculate orifice plate size

The orifice plate size can be calculated using the following formula:

orifice_diameter = sqrt(  (2 * flow_rate * pressure_drop * gravity) / (discharge_coefficient * orifice_coefficient * fluid_density))


orifice_diameter: The diameter of the  plate in meters.

flow_rate: The flow rate of the fluid in m3/s.

pressure_drop: The pressure drop across the  plate in Pa.

gravity: The acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2).

discharge_coefficient: The discharge coefficient, which is a property of the  plate and the fluid.

orifice_coefficient: The orifice coefficient, which is a property of the  plate.

fluid_density: The density of the fluid in kg/m3.

The discharge coefficient and orifice coefficient are empirical constants that can be found in reference tables.

For example, if the flow rate is 0.01 m3/s, the pressure drop is 1000 Pa, the gravity is 9.8 m/s2, the discharge coefficient is 0.61, the orifice coefficient is 0.5, and the fluid density is 1000 kg/m3, then the orifice diameter would be:

orifice_diameter = sqrt( (2 * 0.01 * 1000 * 9.8) /   (0.61 * 0.5 *1000)) = 0.802 m

This means that an these plate with a diameter of 0.802 m would be required to measure a flow rate of 0.01 m3/s with a pressure drop of 1000 Pa.

It is important to note that this is just a simplified calculation. The actual these plate size may need to be adjusted to account for factors such as the viscosity of the fluid and the length of the orifice plate.

Orifice plate flange tap orientation in horizontal pipe

The flange tap orientation for an orifice plate in a horizontal pipeline depends on the type of fluid being measured and the direction of flow.

For liquid service, the flange taps are typically oriented horizontally, with the high-pressure tap located upstream of the orifice plate and the low-pressure tap located downstream of the orifice plate.

This orientation helps to ensure that the pressure drop is accurate and that the flow measurement is not affected by the presence of any trapped gas or liquid in the impulse lines.

what is orifice plate

For gas service, the flange taps can be oriented either horizontally or vertically. The best orientation will depend on the specific application and the characteristics of the gas being measured.

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